(meditations "You can use vectors in clojure to create an 'Array' like structure" (= __ (.size (vec nil))) "You can create a vector in two ways" (= [] (vec nil)) "And populate it in either of these ways" (= [1] (vec '(1))) "But you can populate it with any number of elements at once" (= [1 __] (vec '(1 2))) "And add to it as well" (= __ (conj (vec nil) 333)) "You can get the first element of a vector like so" (= :peanut (first [:peanut :butter :and :jelly])) "And the last in a similar fashion" (= __ (last [:peanut :butter :and :jelly])) "Or any index if you wish" (= __ (nth [:peanut :butter :and :jelly] 3)) "You can also slice a vector" (= __ (subvec [:peanut :butter :and :jelly] 1 3)))