(ns koans.20-java-interop (:require [koan-engine.core :refer :all])) (meditations "You may have done more with Java than you know" (= String (class "warfare")) ; hint: try typing (javadoc "warfare") in the REPL "The dot signifies easy and direct Java interoperation" (= "SELECT * FROM" (.toUpperCase "select * from")) "But instance method calls are very different from normal functions" (= ["SELECT" "FROM" "WHERE"] (map #(.toUpperCase %) ["select" "from" "where"])) "Constructing might be harder than breaking" (= 10 (let [latch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. 10)] (.getCount latch))) "Static methods are slashing prices!" (== 1024 (Math/pow 2 10)))