(ns koans.02-strings (:require [koan-engine.core :refer :all] [clojure.string :as string])) (meditations "A string is nothing more than text surrounded by double quotes" (= "hello" "hello") "But double quotes are just magic on top of something deeper" (= "world" (str 'world)) "You can do more than create strings, you can put them together" (= "Cool right?" (str "Cool " "right?")) "You can even get certain characters" (= \C (get "Characters" 0)) "Or even count the characters" (= 11 (count "Hello World")) "But strings and characters are not the same" (= false (= \c "c")) "What if you only wanted to get part of a string?" (= "World" (subs "Hello World" 6 11)) "How about joining together elements in a list?" (= "123" (string/join '(1 2 3))) "What if you wanted to separate them out?" (= "1, 2, 3" (string/join ", " '(1 2 3))) "Maybe you want to separate out all your lines" (= [ "1" "2" "3" ] (string/split-lines "1\n2\n3")) "You may want to make sure your words are backwards" (= "olleh" (string/reverse "hello")) "Maybe you want to find the index of the first occurrence of a substring" (= 0 (string/index-of "hello world" "h")) "Or maybe the last index of the same" (= 13 (string/last-index-of "hello world, hello" "hello")) "But when something doesn't exist, nothing is found" (= nil (string/index-of "hello world" "bob")) "Sometimes you don't want whitespace cluttering the front and back" (= "hello world" (string/trim " \nhello world \t \n")) "You can check if something is a char" (= true (char? \c)) "But it may not be" (= false (char? "a")) "But chars aren't strings" (= false (string? \b)) "Strings are strings" (= true (string? "b")) "Some strings may be blank" (= true (string/blank? "")) "Even if at first glance they aren't" (= true (string/blank? " \n \t ")) "However, most strings aren't blank" (= false (string/blank? "hello?\nare you out there?")))