# Clojure Koans The Clojure Koans are a fun and easy way to get started with Clojure - no experience assumed or required. Just follow the instructions below to start making tests pass! ### Getting Started The only things you need to run the Clojure Koans are: - JRE 1.5 or higher - clojure-1.3.0-alpha1.jar clojure-1.3.0-alpha1.jar needs to be placed in a directory `lib` under this project. You can use Leiningen (http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen) to automatically install the Clojure jar in the right place. After you have leiningen installed, run `lein deps` which will download all dependencies you need to run the clojure koans. ### Running The Koans To run the koans, simply run `run.sh` or, on Windows, `run.bat` ### Contributing Patches are encouraged! Make sure the answer sheet still passes (`test.sh`, or `test.bat` on Windows), and send a pull request. The file ideaboard.txt has lots of good places to start ### Contributors (in order of appearance) - Aaron Bedra - Colin Jones - Eric Lavigne - Nuno Marquez ### Credits These exercises were started by [Aaron Bedra](http://github.com/abedra) of [Relevance, Inc.](http://github.com/relevance) in early 2010, as a learning tool for newcomers to functional programming. Aaron's macro-fu makes these koans extremely simple and fun to use, and to improve upon, and Relevance's initiative Using the [koans](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/koan) metaphor as a tool for learning a programming language started with the [Ruby Koans](http://rubykoans.com) by [EdgeCase](http://github.com/edgecase).