(def the-world (ref "hello")) (meditations "In the beginning, there was a word" (= __ (deref the-world)) "You can get the word more succinctly, but it's the same" (= __ @the-world) "You can be the change you wish to see in the world." (= __ (do (dosync (ref-set the-world "better")) @the-world)) "Alter where you need not replace" (= __ (let [exclamator (fn [x] (str x "!"))] (dosync (alter the-world exclamator) (alter the-world exclamator) (alter the-world exclamator)) @the-world)) "Though you should keep transactions as short as possible" (= "better!!!!!!" (letfn [(exclamator [x] (str x "!"))] (dosync (alter the-world ___)) @the-world)))