(ns koan-engine.runner) (ns koans.08-higher-order-functions (:use koan-engine.core)) (meditations "The map function relates a sequence to another" (= [__ __ __] (map (fn [x] (* 4 x)) [1 2 3])) "You may create that mapping" (= [1 4 9 16 25] (map (fn [x] __) [1 2 3 4 5])) "Or use the names of existing functions" (= __ (map nil? [:a :b nil :c :d])) "A filter can be strong" (= __ (filter (fn [x] false) '(:anything :goes :here))) "Or very weak" (= __ (filter (fn [x] true) '(:anything :goes :here))) "Or somewhere in between" (= [10 20 30] (filter (fn [x] __) [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80])) "Maps and filters may be combined" (= [10 20 30] (map (fn [x] __) (filter (fn [x] __) [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]))) "Reducing can increase the result" (= __ (reduce (fn [a b] (* a b)) [1 2 3 4])) "You can start somewhere else" (= 2400 (reduce (fn [a b] (* a b)) __ [1 2 3 4])) "Numbers are not the only things one can reduce" (= "longest" (reduce (fn [a b] (if (< __ __) b a)) ["which" "word" "is" "longest"])))