(ns koan-engine.runner) (ns koans.06-functions (:use koan-engine.core)) (defn multiply-by-ten [n] (* 10 n)) (defn square [n] (* n n)) (meditations "Calling a function is like giving it a hug with parentheses" (= __ (square 9)) "Functions are usually defined before they are used" (= __ (multiply-by-ten 2)) "But they can also be defined inline" (= __ ((fn [n] (* 5 n)) 2)) "Or using an even shorter syntax" (= __ (#(* 15 %) 4)) "Even anonymous functions may take multiple arguments" (= __ (#(+ %1 %2 %3) 4 5 6)) "Arguments can also be skipped" (= __ (#(* 15 %2) 1 2)) "One function can beget another" (= 9 (((fn [] ___)) 4 5)) "Functions can also take other functions as input" (= 20 ((fn [f] (f 4 5)) ___)) "Higher-order functions take function arguments" (= 25 (___ (fn [n] (* n n)))) "But they are often better written using the names of functions" (= 25 (___ square)))