(meditations "Sequence comprehensions can bind each element in turn to a symbol" (= __ (for [index (range 6)] index)) "They can easily emulate mapping" (= '(0 1 4 9 16 25) (map (fn [index] (* index index)) (range 6)) (for [index (range 6)] __)) "And also filtering" (= '(1 3 5 7 9) (filter odd? (range 10)) (for [index __ :when (odd? index)] index)) "And they trivially allow combinations of the two transformations" (= '(1 9 25 49 81) (map (fn [index] (* index index)) (filter odd? (range 10))) (for [index (range 10) :when __] __)) "More complex transformations can be formed with multiple binding forms" (= [[:top :left] [:top :middle] [:top :right] [:middle :left] [:middle :middle] [:middle :right] [:bottom :left] [:bottom :middle] [:bottom :right]] (for [row [:top :middle :bottom] column [:left :middle :right]] __)))