[["01_equalities" {"__" [true 2 5 true false true 3]}] ["02_lists" {"__" [1 2 3 4 5 1 [2 3 4 5] () [:a :b :c :d :e] [0 :a :b :c :d :e] :a [:b :c :d :e] "No dice!" ()]}] ["03_vectors" {"__" [1 [] [1] [nil] 2 [333] :peanut :jelly :jelly [:butter :and] 3]}] ["04_sets" {"__" [nil 3 #{1 2 3 4 5} #{1 2 3 4 5} #{2 3} #{1 4}]}] ["05_maps" {"__" [{} 0 1 2 2 1 1 "Vancouver" nil :key-not-found true false "February" 1 "January" 2006 2010 2014 "Vancouver"]}] ["06_functions" {"__" [20 10 5 30 2 15 20 *] "___" [(fn [f] (f 5)) (fn [f] (f 5))]}] ["07_conditionals" {"__" [:a [] nil :glory 4 6 :your-road 'doom 0 :cocked-pistol :say-what?]}] ["08_higher_order_functions" {"__" [4 8 12 (* x x) [false false true false false] () [:anything :goes :here] (< x 31) (* 10 x) (< x 4) 24 100 (count a) (count b)]}] ["09_runtime_polymorphism" {"__" [(str (:name a) " eats veggies.") (str (:name a) " eats animals.") (str "I don't know what " (:name a) " eats.") "Hello World!" "Hello, you silly world." "Hello to this group: Peter, Paul, Mary!" ]}] ["10_lazy_sequences" {"__" [[1 2 3 4] [0 1 2 3 4] 10 95 (range 20) :a] "___" [(fn [x] :foo)]}] ["11_sequence_comprehensions" {"__" [[0 1 2 3 4 5] (* index index) (range 10) (odd? index) (* index index) [row column] ]}] ["12_creating_functions" {"__" [true false true 4 :a :b :c :d :c :d 4 8] "___" [(complement nil?) multiply-by-5 (comp dec square)]}] ["13_recursion" {"__" [true acc (loop [coll coll acc ()] (if (seq coll) (recur (rest coll) (conj acc (first coll))) acc)) (loop [n n acc 1] (if (zero? n) acc (recur (dec n) (* acc n))))] "___" [not]}] ["14_destructuring" {"__" [":bar:foo" (format (str "First comes %s, " "then comes %s, " "then comes %s with the baby carriage") a b c) (apply str (interpose " " (apply list first-name last-name (interleave (repeat "aka") aliases)))) {:original-parts full-name :named-parts {:first first-name :last last-name}} (str street-address ", " city ", " state) city state (str street-address ", " city ", " state)] "___" [(fn [[fname lname] {:keys [street-address city state]}] (str fname " " lname ", " street-address ", " city ", " state)) ]}] ["15_refs" {"__" ["hello" "hello" "better" "better!!!" (dosync (ref-set the-world 0)) (map :jerry [@the-world @bizarro-world]) ] "___" [(fn [x] (+ 20 x))]}] ["16_atoms" {"__" [0 1 (swap! atomic-clock (partial + 4)) 20 20 atomic-clock 20 :fin ]}] ["17_macros" {"__" [~(first form) ~(nth form 2) form (drop 2 form) "Hello, Macros!" 10 '(+ 9 1) '(* 10 2) '(+ 10 (2 * 3))]}] ["18_datatypes" {"__" [(print (str "You're really the " (.category this) ", " recipient "... sorry.")) "peace" "literature" "physics" nil [true false] (str "Congratulations on your Best Picture Oscar, " "Evil Alien Conquerors!")]}] ["19_java_interop" {"__" [java.lang.String "SELECT * FROM" 10 1024 ] "___" [#(.toUpperCase %) ] }] ["20_partition" {"__" [partition [:a :b :c] '((0 1 2) (3 4)) 5 :hello (6 :this :are) ]}]]