Update README.md

Make README consistent with the actual file name
Mark Veronda 12 years ago
parent 2eb2dfe36a
commit 96420a3f5e

@ -51,17 +51,18 @@ If you're running from a checkout using lein 2, run the koans via
`lein koan run`
It's an auto-runner, so as you save your files with the correct answers, it will
advance you to the next koan or file.
advance you to the next koan or file (conveniently, all files are prefixed with
the sequence that you should follow).
You'll see something like this:
Problem in /home/colin/Projects/clojure-koans/src/koans/equalities.clj
Problem in /home/colin/Projects/clojure-koans/src/koans/01_equalities.clj
Assertion failed!
We shall contemplate truth by testing reality, via equality.
(= __ true)
The output is telling you that you have a failing test in equalities.clj.
The output is telling you that you have a failing test in 01_equalities.clj.
So open that file up and make it pass! In general, you just fill in the
blanks to make tests pass. Sometimes there are several (or even an infinite
number) of correct answers: any of them will work in these cases.
