Use forms instead of strings where possible in answer sheet.

This commit is contained in:
Colin Jones 2010-11-04 08:10:24 -05:00
parent 47d4342314
commit 7e6ac00457

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(ns path-to-answer-sheet
(:use [path-to-enlightenment :exclude (run)]
[clojure.string :only (join split)]
[clojure.string :only (join split)]))
(def answers
{"equalities" {"__" [true
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@
[:butter :and]]
"___" ["="]}
"___" ['=]}
"sets" {"__" [3
#{1 2 3 4 5}
#{1 2 3 4 5}
@ -56,8 +55,8 @@
10 5
30 2
20 "*"]
"___" ["(fn [f] (f 5))"
"(fn [f] 25)"]}
"___" ['(fn [f] (f 5))
'(fn [f] 25)]}
"conditionals" {"__" [:a
@ -65,35 +64,35 @@
4 6 :your_road
"'doom" 0 ]}
"higher_order_functions" {"__" [4 8 12
"(* x x)"
'(* x x)
[false false true false false]
"(< x 31)"
"(* 10 x)" "(< x 4)"
'(< x 31)
'(* 10 x) '(< x 4)
"(count a)" "(count b)"]}
"runtime_polymorphism" {"__" ["(str (:name a) \" eats veggies.\")"
"(str (:name a) \" eats animals.\")"
"(str \"I don't know what \" (:name a) \" eats.\")"
'(count a) '(count b)]}
"runtime_polymorphism" {"__" ['(str (:name a) " eats veggies.")
'(str (:name a) " eats animals.")
'(str "I don't know what " (:name a) " eats.")
"\"Hello World!\""
"\"Hello, you silly world.\""
"\"Hello to this group: Peter, Paul, Mary!\"" ]}
"sequence_comprehensions" {"__" [[0 1 2 3 4 5]
"(* index index)"
"(range 10)"
"(odd? index)" "(* index index)"
"[row column]"
'(* index index)
'(range 10)
'(odd? index) '(* index index)
'[row column]
"partial_functions" {"__" [4
:a :b :c :d
:c :d]
"___" ["multiply-by-5"]}
"recursion" {"__" ["(loop [n n acc 1]
"recursion" {"__" ['(loop [n n acc 1]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (dec n) (* acc n))))"]}
(recur (dec n) (* acc n))))]}
(defn replace-with [s k replacements]