from __future__ import print_function import click import json import os import logging import time import sqlalchemy.types import threading import sqlite3 from tqdm import tqdm from sqlalchemy import exists from bitter import utils, models, crawlers from bitter import config as bconf from bitter.models import make_session, User, ExtractorEntry, Following import sys if sys.version_info <= (3, 0): from contextlib2 import ExitStack else: from contextlib import ExitStack logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def serialize(function): '''Common options to serialize output to CSV or other formats''' @click.option('--fields', help='Provide a list of comma-separated fields to print.', default='', type=str) @click.option('--ignore_missing', help='Do not show warnings for missing fields.', is_flag=True) @click.option('--header', help='Header that will be printed at the beginning of the file', default=None) @click.option('--csv', help='Print each object as a csv row.', is_flag=True) @click.option('--jsonlines', '--json', help='Print each object as JSON in a new line.', is_flag=True) @click.option('--indented', help='Print each object as an indented JSON object', is_flag=True) @click.option('--outdelimiter', help='Delimiter for some output formats, such as CSV. It defaults to \t', default='\t') @click.option('--outfile', help='Output file. It defaults to STDOUT', default=sys.stdout) def decorated(fields, ignore_missing, header, csv, jsonlines, indented, outfile, outdelimiter, **kwargs): it = function(**kwargs) outformat = 'json' if csv: outformat = 'csv' elif jsonlines: outformat = 'jsonlines' elif indented: outformat = 'indented' return utils.serialized(it, outfile, outformat=outformat, fields=fields.split(','), ignore_missing=ignore_missing, header=header, delimiter=outdelimiter) return decorated @click.option("--verbose", is_flag=True) @click.option("--logging_level", required=False, default='WARN') @click.option('--config', show_default=True, default=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) @click.option('--credentials', show_default=True, help="DEPRECATED: If specified, these credentials will be copied to the configuratation file.", default=bconf.CREDENTIALS) @click.pass_context def main(ctx, verbose, logging_level, config, credentials): logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, logging_level)) ctx.obj = {} ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose bconf.CONFIG_FILE = config bconf.CREDENTIALS = credentials if os.path.exists(utils.get_config_path(credentials)): utils.copy_credentials_to_config(credentials, config) @click.pass_context def credentials(ctx): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is not None: return wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) for worker in wq.queue: print('#'*20) try: resp = worker.client.application.rate_limit_status() print( except Exception as ex: print('{}: AUTHENTICATION ERROR: {}'.format(, ex) ) @credentials.command('limits') @click.option('--no_aggregate', is_flag=True, default=False, help=('Print limits from all workers. By default, limits are ' 'aggregated (summed).')) @click.option('--no_diff', is_flag=True, default=False, help=('Print all limits. By default, only limits that ' 'have been consumed will be shown.')) @click.argument('url', required=False) @click.pass_context def get_limits(ctx, no_aggregate, no_diff, url): wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) limits = {} if url: print('URL is: {}'.format(url)) for worker in wq.queue: resp = worker.client.application.rate_limit_status() for urlimits in resp['resources'].values(): for url, value in urlimits.items(): if url not in limits: limits[url] = {} glob = limits[url].get('global', {}) limits[url][] = value for k in ['limit', 'remaining']: if k not in glob: glob[k] = 0 glob[k] += value[k] limits[url]['global'] = glob for url, lims in limits.items(): worker_list = lims.keys() if no_aggregate else ['global', ] url_printed = False for worker in worker_list: vals = lims[worker] consumed = vals['limit'] - vals['remaining'] if no_diff or consumed: if not url_printed: print(url) url_printed = True print('\t', worker, ':') print('\t\t', vals) @credentials.command('add') @click.option('--consumer_key', default=None) @click.option('--consumer_secret', default=None) @click.option('--token_key', default=None) @click.option('--token_secret', default=None) @click.argument('user_name') def add(user_name, consumer_key, consumer_secret, token_key, token_secret): if not consumer_key: consumer_key = click.prompt('Please, enter your YOUR CONSUMER KEY') if not consumer_secret: consumer_secret = click.prompt('Please, enter your CONSUMER SECRET') if not token_key: token_key = click.prompt('Please, enter your ACCESS TOKEN') if not token_secret: token_secret = click.prompt('Please, enter your ACCESS TOKEN SECRET') utils.add_credentials(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE, user=user_name, consumer_key=consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, token_key=token_key, token_secret=token_secret) click.echo('Credentials added for {}'.format(user_name)) @click.pass_context def tweet(ctx): pass @tweet.command('get') @click.option('-d', '--dry_run', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('-f', '--folder', default="tweets") @click.option('-u', '--update', help="Update the file even if the tweet exists", is_flag=True, default=False) @click.argument('tweetid') @serialize def get_tweet(tweetid, dry_run, folder, update): wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) yield from utils.download_tweet(wq, tweetid, not dry_run, folder, update) @tweet.command('get_all', help='''Download tweets from a list of tweets in a CSV file. The result is stored as individual json files in your folder of choice.''') @click.argument('tweetsfile') @click.option('-f', '--folder', default="tweets") @click.option('-u', '--update', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Download tweet even if it is already present. WARNING: it will overwrite existing files!') @click.option('-r', '--retry', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Retry failed downloads') @click.option('-d', '--delimiter', default=",") @click.option('-n', '--nocache', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Do not cache results') @click.option('--skip', help='Discard the first DISCARD lines (use them as a header)', default=0) @click.option('--commentchar', help='Lines starting with this character will be ignored', default=None) @click.option('-q', '--quotechar', default='"') @click.option('-c', '--column', type=int, default=0) @serialize @click.pass_context def get_tweets(ctx, tweetsfile, folder, update, retry, delimiter, nocache, skip, quotechar, commentchar, column): if update and not click.confirm('This may overwrite existing tweets. Continue?'): click.echo('Cancelling') return wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) status = tqdm('Queried') failed = 0 for tid, obj in utils.download_tweets_file(wq, tweetsfile, folder, delimiter=delimiter, cache=not nocache, skip=skip, quotechar=quotechar, commentchar=commentchar, column=column, update=update, retry_failed=retry): status.update(1) if not obj: failed += 1 status.set_description('Failed: %s. Queried' % failed, refresh=True) continue yield obj @tweet.command('search') @click.argument('query') @serialize @click.pass_context def search(ctx, query): wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) yield from utils.search_tweet(wq, query) @tweet.command('timeline') @click.argument('user') @click.pass_context def timeline(ctx, user): wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) t = utils.user_timeline(wq, user) print(json.dumps(t, indent=2)) @click.pass_context def users(ctx): pass @users.command('list') @click.option('--db', required=True, help='Database of users.') @click.pass_context def list_users(ctx, db): dburl = 'sqlite:///{}'.format(db) session = make_session(dburl) for i in session.query(User): print(i.screen_name) for j in i.__dict__: print('\t{}: {}'.format(j, getattr(i,j))) @users.command('get') @click.argument('user') @click.option('-d', '--dry_run', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('-f', '--folder', default="users") @click.option('-u', '--update', help="Update the file even if the user exists", is_flag=True, default=False) @serialize def get_user(user, dry_run, folder, update): wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) yield from utils.download_user(wq, user, not dry_run, folder, update) @users.command('get_all', help='''Download users from a list of user ids/screen names in a CSV file. The result is stored as individual json files in your folder of choice.''') @click.argument('usersfile') @click.option('-f', '--folder', default="users") @click.option('-u', '--update', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Download user even if it is already present. WARNING: it will overwrite existing files!') @click.option('-r', '--retry', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Retry failed downloads') @click.option('-n', '--nocache', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Do not cache results') @click.option('-d', '--delimiter', default=",") @click.option('--skip', help='Discard the first SKIP lines (e.g., use them as a header)', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('-q', '--quotechar', default='"') @click.option('--commentchar', help='Lines starting with this character will be ignored', default=None) @click.option('-c', '--column', type=int, default=0) @serialize @click.pass_context def get_users(ctx, usersfile, folder, update, retry, nocache, delimiter, skip, quotechar, commentchar, column): if update and not click.confirm('This may overwrite existing users. Continue?'): click.echo('Cancelling') return wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) for i in utils.download_users_file(wq, usersfile, folder, delimiter=delimiter, update=update, retry_failed=retry, skip=skip, quotechar=quotechar, cache=not nocache, commentchar=commentchar, column=column): yield i @users.command('crawl') @click.option('--db', required=True, help='Database to save all users.') @click.option('--skip', required=False, default=0, help='Skip N lines from the file.') @click.option('--until', required=False, type=str, default=0, help='Skip all lines until ID.') @click.option('--threads', required=False, type=str, default=20, help='Number of crawling threads.') @click.argument('usersfile') @click.pass_context def crawl_users(ctx, usersfile, skip, until, threads, db): global dburl, ids_queue, skipped, enqueued, collected, lastid, db_lock if '://' not in db: dburl = 'sqlite:///{}'.format(db) db_lock = threading.Lock() else: dburl = db def db_lock(): return ExitStack() wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE)'Starting Network crawler with {} threads and {} credentials.'.format(threads, len(wq.queue))) ids_queue = queue.Queue(1000) skipped = skip enqueued = 0 collected = 0 statslock = threading.Lock() lastid = -1 def fill_queue(): global enqueued, skipped with open(usersfile, 'r') as f: sqlite = sqlite3.connect(db) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(dburl) def user_filter(x): global skipped, dburl # keep = data['users'].find_one(id=x) is None #keep = not session.query(exists().where( == x)).scalar() # keep = session.engine.execute keep = not list(engine.execute('SELECT 1 from users where id=\'%s\'' % x)) if not keep: skipped += 1 return keep for i in range(skip): next(f) ilist = map(lambda x: x.strip(), f)'Skipping until {}'.format(until)) if not skip and until: for uid in ilist: if uid == until: break else: skipped += 1 ilist = filter(user_filter, ilist) for uid in ilist: ids_queue.put(uid) enqueued += 1 for i in range(threads): ids_queue.put(None) def consume_queue(): global dburl, collected, ids_queue, lastid local_collected = 0 logging.debug('Consuming!') session = make_session(dburl) q_iter = iter(ids_queue.get, None) for user in utils.get_users(wq, q_iter): dbuser = User(**user) session.add(dbuser) local_collected += 1 with statslock: collected += 1 lastid = user['id'] if local_collected % 100 == 0: with db_lock: session.commit() session.commit() logger.debug('Done consuming') filler = threading.Thread(target=fill_queue) filler.start() consumers = [threading.Thread(target=consume_queue) for i in range(threads)] logging.debug('Starting consumers') for c in consumers: c.start() logging.debug('Joining filler') counter = 0 speed = 0 lastcollected = collected while True: filler.join(1)'########\n' ' Collected: {}\n' ' Speed: ~ {} profiles/s\n' ' Skipped: {}\n' ' Enqueued: {}\n' ' Queue size: {}\n' ' Last ID: {}'.format(collected, speed, skipped, enqueued, ids_queue.qsize(), lastid)) if not filler.isAlive(): if all(not i.isAlive() for i in consumers): break else: time.sleep(1) counter += 1 if counter % 10 == 0: speed = (collected-lastcollected)/10 with statslock: lastcollected = collected'Done!')'extractor') @click.pass_context @click.option('--db', required=True, help='Database of users.') def extractor(ctx, db): if '://' not in db: db = 'sqlite:///{}'.format(db) ctx.obj['DBURI'] = db ctx.obj['SESSION'] = make_session(db) @extractor.command('status') @click.option('--with_followers', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--with_not_pending', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.pass_context def status_extractor(ctx, with_followers, with_not_pending): session = ctx.obj['SESSION'] entries = session.query(ExtractorEntry) if not with_not_pending: entries = entries.filter(ExtractorEntry.pending==True) for i in entries: print( for j in i.__dict__: print('\t{}: {}'.format(j, getattr(i,j))) followers = session.query(Following) print('Followers count: {}'.format(followers.count())) if(with_followers): for i in followers: print( for j in i.__dict__: print('\t{}: {}'.format(j, getattr(i,j))) @extractor.command('network') @click.option('--as_json', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.pass_context def network_extractor(ctx, as_json): session = ctx.obj['SESSION'] followers = session.query(Following) follower_map = [] for i in followers: if not as_json: print('{} -> {}'.format(i.follower, i.isfollowed)) else: follower_map.append({'source_id': i.follower, 'target_id': i.isfollowed, 'following': True}) if as_json: import json print(json.dumps(follower_map, indent=4)) @extractor.command('users') @click.pass_context def users_extractor(ctx): session = ctx.obj['SESSION'] users = session.query(User) import json for i in users: # print(json.dumps(i.as_dict(), indent=4)) dd = i.as_dict() print(json.dumps(dd, indent=4)) @extractor.command() @click.option('--recursive', is_flag=True, help='Get following/follower/info recursively.', default=False) @click.option('-u', '--user', default=None) @click.option('-n', '--name', show_default=True, default='extractor') @click.option('-i', '--initfile', required=False, default=None, help='List of users to load') @click.pass_context def extract(ctx, recursive, user, name, initfile): print(locals()) wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) dburi = ctx.obj['DBURI'] utils.extract(wq, recursive=recursive, user=user, dburi=dburi, initfile=initfile, extractor_name=name) @extractor.command('reset') @click.pass_context def reset_extractor(ctx): db = ctx.obj['DBURI'] session = make_session(db) session.query(ExtractorEntry).filter(ExtractorEntry.pending==True).update({'pending':False}) @main.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_extra_args=False), help='''Issue a call to an endpoint of the Twitter API.''') @click.argument('cmd', nargs=1) @click.option('--tweets', is_flag=True, help='Fetch more tweets using smart pagination. Use --count to control how many tweets to fetch per call, and --max_count to set the number of desired tweets (or -1 to get as many as possible).', type=bool, default=False) @click.option('--users', is_flag=True, help='Fetch more users using smart pagination. Use --count to control how many users to fetch per call, and --max_count to set the number of desired users (or -1 to get as many as possible).', type=bool, default=False) @click.argument('api_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) @click.pass_context def api(ctx, cmd, tweets, users, api_args): opts = {} mappings = { 'id': '_id' } i = iter(api_args) for k, v in zip(i, i): k = k.replace('--', '') if k in mappings: k = mappings[k] opts[k] = v wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE) if tweets: resp = utils.consume_tweets(wq[cmd], **opts) elif users: resp = utils.consume_users(wq[cmd], **opts) else: resp = wq[cmd](**opts) print(json.dumps(resp)) return for i in resp: print(json.dumps(i)) @main.command('server') @click.argument('CONSUMER_KEY', required=True) @click.argument('CONSUMER_SECRET', required=True) @click.pass_context def run_server(ctx, consumer_key, consumer_secret): bconf.CONSUMER_KEY = consumer_key bconf.CONSUMER_SECRET = consumer_secret from .webserver import app'') @click.pass_context def stream(ctx): pass @stream.command('get') @click.option('-l', '--locations', default=None) @click.option('-t', '--track', default=None) @click.option('-f', '--file', default=None, help='File to store the stream of tweets') @click.option('-p', '--politelyretry', help='Politely retry after a hangup/connection error', is_flag=True, default=True) @click.pass_context def get_stream(ctx, locations, track, file, politelyretry): wq = crawlers.StreamQueue.from_config(conffile=bconf.CONFIG_FILE, max_workers=1) query_args = {} if locations: query_args['locations'] = locations if track: query_args['track'] = track if not file: file = sys.stdout else: file = open(file, 'a') def insist(): lasthangup = time.time() while True: if not query_args: iterator = wq.statuses.sample() else: iterator = wq.statuses.filter(**query_args)#"-4.25,40.16,-3.40,40.75") try: for i in iterator: yield i if not politelyretry: return except Exception: if not politelyretry: raise ex thishangup = time.time() if thishangup - lasthangup < 60: raise Exception('Too many hangups in a row.') time.sleep(3) for tweet in tqdm(insist()): print(json.dumps(tweet), file=file) if file != sys.stdout: file.close() @stream.command('read') @click.option('-f', '--file', help='File to read the stream of tweets from', required=True) @click.option('-t', '--tail', is_flag=True, help='Keep reading from the file, like tail', type=bool, default=False) @click.pass_context def read_stream(ctx, file, tail): for tweet in utils.read_file(file, tail=tail): try: print(u'{timestamp_ms}- @{screen_name}: {text}'.format(timestamp_ms=tweet['created_at'], screen_name=tweet['user']['screen_name'], text=tweet['text'])) except (KeyError, TypeError): print('Raw tweet: {}'.format(tweet)) @stream.command('tags') @click.option('-f', '--file', help='File to read the stream of tweets from', required=True) @click.argument('limit', required=False, default=None, type=int) @click.pass_context def tags_stream(ctx, file, limit): c = utils.get_hashtags(utils.read_file(file)) for count, tag in c.most_common(limit): print(u'{} - {}'.format(count, tag)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()