from __future__ import print_function import logging import time import json import yaml import io import signal import sys import sqlalchemy import os import multiprocessing from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from functools import partial from tqdm import tqdm from itertools import islice, chain from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import Counter from builtins import map, filter from twitter import TwitterHTTPError from bitter.models import Following, User, ExtractorEntry, make_session from bitter import config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def signal_handler(signal, frame):'You pressed Ctrl+C!') sys.exit(0) def chunk(iterable, n): it = iter(iterable) return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, n)), ()) def parallel(func, source, chunksize=1, numcpus=multiprocessing.cpu_count()): source = chunk(source, chunksize) p = ThreadPool(numcpus*2) results = p.imap_unordered(func, source, chunksize=int(1000/numcpus)) for i in chain.from_iterable(results): yield i def get_config_path(conf=None): if not conf: if config.CONFIG_FILE: conf = config.CONFIG_FILE else: raise Exception('No valid config file') return os.path.expanduser(conf) def copy_credentials_to_config(credfile, conffile=None): p = get_config_path(credfile) with open(p) as old: for line in old: cred = json.loads(line.strip()) add_credentials(conffile, **cred) def save_config(conf, conffile=None): with config(conffile) as c: c.clear() c.update(conf) @contextmanager def config(conffile=None): d = read_config(conffile) try: yield d finally: write_config(d, conffile) def read_config(conffile): p = conffile and get_config_path(conffile) if p and os.path.exists(p): f = open(p, 'r') elif 'BITTER_CONFIG' not in os.environ: raise Exception('No config file or BITTER_CONFIG env variable.') else: f = io.StringIO(os.environ.get('BITTER_CONFIG', "").strip().replace('\\n', '\n')) return yaml.load(f) or {'credentials': []} def write_config(conf, conffile=None): if conffile: p = get_config_path(conffile) with open(p, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(conf, f) else: os.environ['BITTER_CONFIG'] = yaml.dump(conf) def iter_credentials(conffile=None): with config(conffile) as c: for i in c['credentials']: yield i def create_config_file(conffile=None): if not conffile: return conffile = get_config_path(conffile) with open(conffile, 'a'): pass def get_credentials(conffile=None, inverse=False, **kwargs): creds = [] for i in iter_credentials(conffile): matches = all(map(lambda x: i[x[0]] == x[1], kwargs.items())) if matches and not inverse: creds.append(i) elif inverse and not matches: creds.append(i) return creds def delete_credentials(conffile=None, **creds): tokeep = get_credentials(conffile, inverse=True, **creds) with config(conffile) as c: c['credentials'] = list(tokeep) def add_credentials(conffile=None, **creds): exist = get_credentials(conffile, **creds) if exist: return with config(conffile) as c: c['credentials'].append(creds) def get_hashtags(iter_tweets, best=None): c = Counter() for tweet in iter_tweets: c.update(tag['text'] for tag in tweet.get('entities', {}).get('hashtags', {})) return c def read_file(filename, tail=False): with open(filename) as f: while True: line = f.readline() if line not in (None, '', '\n'): tweet = json.load(line.strip()) yield tweet else: if tail: time.sleep(1) else: return def get_users(wq, ulist, by_name=False, queue=None, max_users=100): t = 'name' if by_name else 'uid' logger.debug('Getting users by {}: {}'.format(t, ulist)) ilist = iter(ulist) while True: userslice = ",".join(str(i) for i in islice(ilist, max_users)) if not userslice: break try: if by_name: resp = wq.users.lookup(screen_name=userslice) else: resp = wq.users.lookup(user_id=userslice) except TwitterHTTPError as ex: if ex.e.code in (404,): resp = [] else: raise if not resp: logger.debug('Empty response') for user in resp: user = trim_user(user) if queue: queue.put(user) else: yield user def trim_user(user): if 'status' in user: del user['status'] if 'follow_request_sent' in user: del user['follow_request_sent'] if 'created_at' in user: ts = time.strftime('%s', time.strptime(user['created_at'],'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y')) user['created_at_stamp'] = ts del user['created_at'] user['entities'] = json.dumps(user['entities']) return user def add_user(user, dburi=None, session=None, update=False): if not session: session = make_session(dburi) user = trim_user(user) olduser = session.query(User).filter( == user['id']) if olduser: if not update: return olduser.delete() nuser = User() for key, value in user.items(): setattr(nuser, key, value) user = nuser if update: session.add(user) logger.debug('Adding entry') entry = session.query(ExtractorEntry).filter( if not entry: entry = ExtractorEntry( session.add(entry) logger.debug(entry.pending) entry.pending = True entry.cursor = -1 session.commit() session.close() def download_entry(wq, entry_id, dburi=None, recursive=False): session = make_session(dburi) if not session: raise Exception("Provide dburi or session")"Downloading entry: %s (%s)" % (entry_id, type(entry_id))) entry = session.query(ExtractorEntry).filter( user = session.query(User).filter( == entry.user).first() download_user(wq, session, user, entry, recursive) session.close() def download_user(wq, session, user, entry=None, recursive=False, max_followers=50000): total_followers = user.followers_count if total_followers > max_followers: entry.pending = False"Too many followers for user: %s" % user.screen_name) session.add(entry) session.commit() return if not entry: entry = session.query(ExtractorEntry).filter( or ExtractorEntry( session.add(entry) session.commit() pending = True cursor = entry.cursor uid = name ="#"*20)"Getting %s - %s" % (uid, name))"Cursor %s" % cursor)"Using account: %s" % _fetched_followers = 0 def fetched_followers(): return session.query(Following).filter(Following.isfollowed==uid).count() attempts = 0 while cursor > 0 or fetched_followers() < total_followers: try: resp = wq.followers.ids(user_id=uid, cursor=cursor) except TwitterHTTPError as ex: attempts += 1 if ex.e.code in (401, ) or attempts > 3:'Not authorized for user: {}'.format(uid)) entry.errors = ex.message break if 'ids' not in resp:"Error with id %s %s" % (uid, resp)) entry.pending = False entry.errors = "No ids in response: %s" % resp break"New followers: %s" % len(resp['ids'])) if recursive: newusers = get_users(wq, resp) for newuser in newusers: add_user(session=session, user=newuser) if 'ids' not in resp or not resp['ids']:'NO IDS in response') break for i in resp['ids']: existing_user = session.query(Following).\ filter(Following.isfollowed == uid).\ filter(Following.follower == i).first() now = int(time.time()) if existing_user: existing_user.created_at_stamp = now else: f = Following(isfollowed=uid, follower=i, created_at_stamp=now) session.add(f)"Fetched: %s/%s followers" % (fetched_followers(), total_followers)) entry.cursor = resp["next_cursor"] session.add(entry) session.commit()"Done getting followers for %s" % uid) entry.pending = False entry.busy = False session.add(entry) session.commit() logger.debug('Entry: {} - {}'.format(entry.user, entry.pending)) sys.stdout.flush() def classify_user(id_or_name, screen_names, user_ids): try: int(id_or_name) user_ids.append(id_or_name) logger.debug("Added user id") except ValueError: logger.debug("Added screen_name") screen_names.append(id_or_name.split('@')[-1]) def extract(wq, recursive=False, user=None, initfile=None, dburi=None, extractor_name=None): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) if not dburi: dburi = 'sqlite:///%s.db' % extractor_name session = make_session(dburi) session.query(ExtractorEntry).update({ExtractorEntry.busy: False}) session.commit() if not (user or initfile):'Using pending users from last session') else: screen_names = [] user_ids = [] if user: classify_user(user, screen_names, user_ids) elif initfile:"No user. I will open %s" % initfile) with open(initfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: user = line.strip().split(',')[0] classify_user(user, screen_names, user_ids) def missing_user(ix, column=User.screen_name): res = session.query(User).filter(column == ix).count() == 0 if res:"Missing user %s. Count: %s" % (ix, res)) return res screen_names = list(filter(missing_user, screen_names)) user_ids = list(filter(partial(missing_user, column=User.id_str), user_ids)) nusers = []"Missing user ids: %s" % user_ids)"Missing screen names: %s" % screen_names) if screen_names: nusers = list(get_users(wq, screen_names, by_name=True)) if user_ids: nusers += list(get_users(wq, user_ids, by_name=False)) for i in nusers: add_user(dburi=dburi, user=i) total_users = session.query(sqlalchemy.func.count('Total users: {}'.format(total_users)) de = partial(download_entry, wq, dburi=dburi) pending = pending_entries(dburi) session.close() for i in tqdm(parallel(de, pending), desc='Downloading users', total=total_users):"Got %s" % i) def pending_entries(dburi): session = make_session(dburi) while True: candidate, entry = session.query(User, ExtractorEntry).\ filter(ExtractorEntry.user ==\ filter(ExtractorEntry.pending == True).\ filter(ExtractorEntry.busy == False).\ order_by(User.followers_count).first() if candidate: entry.busy = True session.add(entry) session.commit() yield int( continue if session.query(ExtractorEntry).\ filter(ExtractorEntry.busy == True).count() > 0: time.sleep(1) continue"No more pending entries") break session.close() def get_tweet(c, tid): return def search_tweet(c, query): return def user_timeline(c, query): try: return c.statuses.user_timeline(user_id=int(query)) except ValueError: return c.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name=query) def get_user(c, user): try: int(user) return c.users.lookup(user_id=user)[0] except ValueError: return c.users.lookup(screen_name=user)[0] def download_tweet(wq, tweetid, write=True, folder="downloaded_tweets", update=False): cached = cached_tweet(tweetid, folder) tweet = None if update or not cached: tweet = get_tweet(wq, tweetid) js = json.dump(tweet, indent=2) if write: if tweet: write_tweet_json(js, folder) else: print(js) def cached_tweet(tweetid, folder): tweet = None file = os.path.join(folder, '%s.json' % tweetid) if os.path.exists(file) and os.path.isfile(file): try: # print('%s: Tweet exists' % tweetid) with open(file) as f: tweet = json.load(f) except Exception as ex: logger.error('Error getting cached version of {}: {}'.format(tweetid, ex)) return tweet def write_tweet_json(js, folder): tweetid = js['id'] file = tweet_file(tweetid, folder) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) with open(file, 'w') as f: json.dump(js, f, indent=2)'Written {} to file {}'.format(tweetid, file)) def tweet_file(tweetid, folder): return os.path.join(folder, '%s.json' % tweetid) def tweet_fail_file(tweetid, folder): failsfolder = os.path.join(folder, 'failed') if not os.path.exists(failsfolder): os.makedirs(failsfolder) return os.path.join(failsfolder, '%s.failed' % tweetid) def tweet_failed(tweetid, folder): return os.path.isfile(tweet_fail_file(tweetid, folder)) def download_tweets(wq, tweetsfile, folder, update=False, retry_failed=False, ignore_fails=True): def filter_line(line): tweetid = int(line) # print('Checking {}'.format(tweetid)) if (cached_tweet(tweetid, folder) and not update) or (tweet_failed(tweetid, folder) and not retry_failed): yield None else: yield line def print_result(res): tid, tweet = res if tweet: try: write_tweet_json(tweet, folder=folder) yield 1 except Exception as ex: logger.error('%s: %s' % (tid, ex)) if not ignore_fails: raise else:'Tweet not recovered: {}'.format(tid)) with open(tweet_fail_file(tid, folder), 'w') as f: print('Tweet not found', file=f) yield -1 def download_batch(batch): tweets = wq.statuses.lookup(_id=",".join(batch), map=True)['id'] return tweets.items() with open(tweetsfile) as f: lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), f) lines_to_crawl = filter(lambda x: x is not None, tqdm(parallel(filter_line, lines), desc='Total lines')) tweets = parallel(download_batch, lines_to_crawl, 100) for res in tqdm(parallel(print_result, tweets), desc='Queried'): pass def download_timeline(wq, user): return wq.statuses.user_timeline(id=user) def _consume_feed(func, feed_control=None, **kwargs): ''' Get all the tweets using pagination and a given method. It can be controlled with the `count` parameter. If max_count < 0 => Loop until the whole feed is consumed. If max_count == 0 => Only call the API once, with the default values. If max_count > 0 => Get max_count tweets from the feed. ''' remaining = int(kwargs.pop('max_count', 0)) count = int(kwargs.get('count', -1)) limit = False # We need to at least perform a query, so we simulate a do-while # by running once with no limit and updating the condition at the end with tqdm(total=remaining) as pbar: while not limit: if remaining > 0 and ((count < 0) or (count > remaining)): kwargs['count'] = remaining resp, stop = feed_control(func, kwargs, remaining=remaining, batch_size=count) if not resp: return for entry in resp: yield entry pbar.update(len(resp)) limit = stop if remaining < 0: # If the loop was run with a negative remaining, it will only stop # when the control function tells it to. continue # Otherwise, check if we have already downloaded all the required items remaining -= len(resp) limit = limit or remaining <= 0 def consume_tweets(*args, **kwargs): return _consume_feed(*args, feed_control=_tweets_control, **kwargs) def consume_users(*args, **kwargs): return _consume_feed(*args, feed_control=_users_control, **kwargs) def _tweets_control(func, apiargs, remaining=0, **kwargs): ''' Return a list of entries, the remaining ''' resp = func(**apiargs) if not resp: return None, True # Update the arguments for the next call # Two options: either resp is a list, or a dict like: # {'statuses': ... 'search_metadata': ...} if isinstance(resp, dict) and 'search_metadata' in resp: resp = resp['statuses'] max_id = min(s['id'] for s in resp) - 1 apiargs['max_id'] = max_id return resp, False def _users_control(func, apiargs, remaining=0, **kwargs): resp = func(**apiargs) stop = True # Update the arguments for the next call if 'next_cursor' in resp: cursor = resp['next_cursor'] apiargs['cursor'] = cursor if int(cursor) != -1: stop = False return resp['users'], stop