mirror of https://github.com/balkian/bitter.git synced 2025-03-12 09:46:58 +00:00

Config from variable or file

This replaces the old file of credentials (with one per line) with a
configuration in YAML format.

The configuration can be stored either in a file or in an environment variable

There is still a command line argument to add the credentials in that file to
the config.
This commit is contained in:
J. Fernando Sánchez 2017-12-19 19:04:10 +01:00
parent cf766a6bf3
commit 9c82dea298
11 changed files with 280 additions and 124 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ __pycache__

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Dockerfile-%: Dockerfile.template
@docker start $(NAME)-dev$* || (\
$(MAKE) build-$*; \
docker run -d -w /usr/src/app/ -v $$PWD:/usr/src/app --entrypoint=/bin/bash -ti --name $(NAME)-dev$* '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$*'; \
docker run -d -w /usr/src/app/ --env-file $$PWD/.env -v $$PWD:/usr/src/app --entrypoint=/bin/bash -ti --name $(NAME)-dev$* '$(IMAGEWTAG)-python$*'; \
docker exec -ti $(NAME)-dev$* bash
@ -71,6 +71,6 @@ pip_upload:
pip_test: $(addprefix pip_test-,$(PYVERSIONS))
run: build
docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 -ti '$(REPO)/$(NAME):$(VERSION)-python$(PYMAIN)'
docker run --rm --env-file $$PWD/.env -p 5000:5000 -ti '$(REPO)/$(NAME):$(VERSION)-python$(PYMAIN)'
.PHONY: test test-% build-% build test test_pip run

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@ -29,16 +29,66 @@ e.g. to get the latest 500 tweets by the python software foundation:
bitter api statuses/user_timeline --id thepsf --count 500
# Credentials format
# Examples
The CLI can query the rest API:
{"user": "balkian", "consumer_secret": "xxx", "consumer_key": "xxx", "token_key": "xxx", "token_secret": "xxx"}
bitter api <URL endpoint> --parameter VALUE ... | [--tweets | --users] [--max_count MAX_COUNT] [--count COUNT_PER_CALL]
By default, bitter uses '~/.bitter-credentials.json', but you may choose a different file:
For instance:
python -m bitter -c <credentials_file> ...
# Get 100 tweets that mentioned Obama after tweet 942689870501302300
bitter api '/search/tweets' --since_id 942689870501302300 --count 100 --q Obama
That is equivalent to this call to the api: `api/1.1/searc/tweets?since_id=942689870501302300&count=100&q=Obama`.
The flags `--tweets` and `--users` are optional.
If you use them, bitter will try to intelligently fetch all the tweets/users by using pagination with the API.
For example:
# Download 1000 tweets, 100 tweets per call.
bitter api '/search/tweets' --since_id 942689870501302300 --count 100 --q Obama --max_count=1000 --tweets
# Download all the followers of @balkian
bitter api 'followers/list' --_id balkian --users --max_count -1
Note that some reserved words (such as `id`) have to be preceeded by an underscore.
This limitation is imposed by the python-twitter library.
# Configuration format
- user: "balkian"
consumer_secret: "xxx"
consumer_key: "xxx"
token_key: "xxx"
token_secret: "xxx"
- user: ....
By default, bitter uses '~/.bitter.yaml', but you may choose a different file:
python -m bitter --config <config_file> ...
Or use an environment variable:
export BITTER_CONFIG=$(cat myconfig.yaml)
# Server

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -29,16 +29,17 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.option("--verbose", is_flag=True)
@click.option("--logging_level", required=False, default='WARN')
@click.option("--config", required=False)
@click.option('-c', '--credentials', show_default=True, default='~/.bitter-credentials.json')
@click.option('--config', show_default=True, default=bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
@click.option('--credentials', show_default=True, help="DEPRECATED: If specified, these credentials will be copied to the configuratation file.", default=bconf.CREDENTIALS)
def main(ctx, verbose, logging_level, config, credentials):
logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, logging_level))
ctx.obj = {}
ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose
ctx.obj['CONFIG'] = config
bconf.CONFIG_FILE = config
bconf.CREDENTIALS = credentials
if os.path.exists(utils.get_config_path(credentials)):
utils.copy_credentials_to_config(credentials, config)
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def tweet(ctx):
@click.option('-u', '--update', help="Update the file even if the tweet exists", is_flag=True, default=False)
def get_tweet(tweetid, write, folder, update):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
utils.download_tweet(wq, tweetid, write, folder, update)
@ -59,14 +60,14 @@ def get_tweet(tweetid, write, folder, update):
@click.option('-f', '--folder', default="tweets")
def get_tweets(ctx, tweetsfile, folder):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
utils.download_tweets(wq, tweetsfile, folder)
def search(ctx, query):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
t = utils.search_tweet(wq, query)
print(json.dumps(t, indent=2))
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ def search(ctx, query):
def timeline(ctx, user):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
t = utils.user_timeline(wq, user)
print(json.dumps(t, indent=2))
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ def list_users(ctx, db):
@click.option('-f', '--folder', default="users")
@click.option('-u', '--update', help="Update the file even if the user exists", is_flag=True, default=False)
def get_user(user, write, folder, update):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
if not write:
u = utils.get_user(wq, user)
js = json.dumps(u, indent=2)
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ def crawl_users(ctx, usersfile, skip, until, threads, db):
return ExitStack()
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
logger.info('Starting Network crawler with {} threads and {} credentials.'.format(threads,
@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ def users_extractor(ctx):
def extract(ctx, recursive, user, name, initfile):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
dburi = ctx.obj['DBURI']
@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ def extract(ctx, recursive, user, name, initfile):
def reset_extractor(ctx):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
db = ctx.obj['DBURI']
session = make_session(db)
@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ def reset_extractor(ctx):
@click.argument('url', required=False)
def get_limits(ctx, url):
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
for worker in wq.queue:
resp = worker.client.application.rate_limit_status()
@ -351,27 +352,27 @@ def get_limits(ctx, url):
@main.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_extra_args=False))
@click.argument('cmd', nargs=1)
@click.option('--tweets', is_flag=True, help='Fetch more tweets using smart pagination. Use --count to control how many tweets to fetch per call, and --max_count to set the number of desired tweets (or -1 to get as many as possible).', type=bool, default=False)
@click.option('--users', is_flag=True, help='Fetch more users using smart pagination. Use --count to control how many users to fetch per call, and --max_count to set the number of desired users (or -1 to get as many as possible).', type=bool, default=False)
@click.argument('api_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED)
def api(ctx, cmd, api_args):
def api(ctx, cmd, tweets, users, api_args):
opts = {}
i = iter(api_args)
for k, v in zip(i, i):
k = k.replace('--', '')
opts[k] = v
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS)
resp = utils.consume_feed(wq[cmd], **opts)
# A hack to stream jsons
first = True
wq = crawlers.TwitterQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE)
if tweets:
resp = utils.consume_tweets(wq[cmd], **opts)
elif users:
resp = utils.consume_users(wq[cmd], **opts)
resp = wq[cmd](**opts)
for i in resp:
if not first:
first = False
print(json.dumps(i, indent=2))
@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ def run_server(ctx, consumer_key, consumer_secret):
bconf.CONSUMER_SECRET = consumer_secret
from .webserver import app
def stream(ctx):
@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ def stream(ctx):
@click.option('-p', '--politelyretry', help='Politely retry after a hangup/connection error', is_flag=True, default=True)
def get_stream(ctx, locations, track, file, politelyretry):
wq = crawlers.StreamQueue.from_credentials(bconf.CREDENTIALS, 1)
wq = crawlers.StreamQueue.from_config(bconf.CONFIG_FILE, 1)
query_args = {}
if locations:

View File

@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ E.g.:
CREDENTIALS = '~/.bitter-credentials.json'
CONFIG_FILE = '~/.bitter.yaml'

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@ -58,6 +58,16 @@ class FromCredentialsMixin(object):
wq.ready(cls.worker_class(cred["user"], cred))
return wq
class FromConfigMixin(object):
def from_config(cls, conffile=None, max_workers=None):
wq = cls()
with utils.config(conffile) as c:
for cred in islice(c['credentials'], max_workers):
wq.ready(cls.worker_class(cred["user"], cred))
return wq
class TwitterWorker(object):
api_class = None
@ -110,6 +120,7 @@ class RestWorker(TwitterWorker):
return max(0, (reset-now))
def get_limit(self, uriparts):
uriparts = list(u for u in uriparts if u)
uri = '/'+'/'.join(uriparts)
for (ix, i) in self.limits.get('resources', {}).get(uriparts[0], {}).items():
if ix.startswith(uri):
@ -142,7 +153,7 @@ class RestWorker(TwitterWorker):
class QueueException(BaseException):
class QueueMixin(AttrToFunc, FromCredentialsMixin):
class QueueMixin(AttrToFunc, FromCredentialsMixin, FromConfigMixin):
def __init__(self, wait=True):
logger.debug('Creating worker queue')
self.queue = set()

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import time
import json
import yaml
import io
import signal
import sys
@ -49,31 +51,74 @@ def parallel(func, source, chunksize=1, numcpus=multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
yield i
def get_credentials_path(credfile=None):
if not credfile:
if config.CREDENTIALS:
credfile = config.CREDENTIALS
def get_config_path(conf=None):
if not conf:
if config.CONFIG_FILE:
conf = config.CONFIG_FILE
raise Exception('No valid credentials file')
return os.path.expanduser(credfile)
raise Exception('No valid config file')
return os.path.expanduser(conf)
def copy_credentials_to_config(credfile, conffile=None):
p = get_config_path(credfile)
with open(p) as old:
for line in old:
cred = json.loads(line.strip())
add_credentials(conffile, **cred)
def save_config(conf, conffile=None):
with config(conffile) as c:
def credentials_file(credfile, *args, **kwargs):
p = get_credentials_path(credfile)
with open(p, *args, **kwargs) as f:
yield f
def config(conffile=None):
d = read_config(conffile)
yield d
write_config(d, conffile)
def iter_credentials(credfile=None):
with credentials_file(credfile) as f:
for l in f:
yield json.loads(l.strip())
def read_config(conffile):
p = conffile and get_config_path(conffile)
if p and os.path.exists(p):
f = open(p, 'r')
elif 'BITTER_CONFIG' not in os.environ:
raise Exception('No config file or BITTER_CONFIG env variable.')
f = io.StringIO(os.environ.get('BITTER_CONFIG', "").strip().replace('\\n', '\n'))
return yaml.load(f) or {'credentials': []}
def get_credentials(credfile=None, inverse=False, **kwargs):
def write_config(conf, conffile=None):
if conffile:
p = get_config_path(conffile)
with open(p, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(conf, f)
os.environ['BITTER_CONFIG'] = yaml.dump(conf)
def iter_credentials(conffile=None):
with config(conffile) as c:
for i in c['credentials']:
yield i
def create_config_file(conffile=None):
if not conffile:
conffile = get_config_path(conffile)
with open(conffile, 'a'):
def get_credentials(conffile=None, inverse=False, **kwargs):
creds = []
for i in iter_credentials(credfile):
for i in iter_credentials(conffile):
matches = all(map(lambda x: i[x[0]] == x[1], kwargs.items()))
if matches and not inverse:
@ -82,26 +127,18 @@ def get_credentials(credfile=None, inverse=False, **kwargs):
return creds
def create_credentials(credfile=None):
credfile = get_credentials_path(credfile)
with credentials_file(credfile, 'a'):
def delete_credentials(credfile=None, **creds):
tokeep = get_credentials(credfile, inverse=True, **creds)
with credentials_file(credfile, 'w') as f:
for i in tokeep:
def delete_credentials(conffile=None, **creds):
tokeep = get_credentials(conffile, inverse=True, **creds)
with config(conffile) as c:
c['credentials'] = list(tokeep)
def add_credentials(credfile=None, **creds):
exist = get_credentials(credfile, **creds)
if not exist:
with credentials_file(credfile, 'a') as f:
def add_credentials(conffile=None, **creds):
exist = get_credentials(conffile, **creds)
if exist:
with config(conffile) as c:
def get_hashtags(iter_tweets, best=None):
@ -116,7 +153,7 @@ def read_file(filename, tail=False):
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line not in (None, '', '\n'):
tweet = json.loads(line.strip())
tweet = json.load(line.strip())
yield tweet
if tail:
@ -403,7 +440,7 @@ def download_tweet(wq, tweetid, write=True, folder="downloaded_tweets", update=F
tweet = None
if update or not cached:
tweet = get_tweet(wq, tweetid)
js = json.dumps(tweet, indent=2)
js = json.dump(tweet, indent=2)
if write:
if tweet:
write_tweet_json(js, folder)
@ -484,31 +521,72 @@ def download_timeline(wq, user):
return wq.statuses.user_timeline(id=user)
def consume_feed(func, *args, **kwargs):
def _consume_feed(func, feed_control=None, **kwargs):
Get all the tweets using pagination and a given method.
It can be controlled with the `count` parameter.
If count < 0 => Loop until the whole feed is consumed.
If count == 0 => Only call the API once, with the default values.
If count > 0 => Get count tweets from the feed.
If max_count < 0 => Loop until the whole feed is consumed.
If max_count == 0 => Only call the API once, with the default values.
If max_count > 0 => Get max_count tweets from the feed.
remaining = int(kwargs.pop('count', 0))
consume = remaining < 0
remaining = int(kwargs.pop('max_count', 0))
count = int(kwargs.get('count', -1))
limit = False
# Simulate a do-while by updating the condition at the end
while not limit:
if remaining > 0:
kwargs['count'] = remaining
resp = func(*args, **kwargs)
if not resp:
for t in resp:
yield t
if consume:
remaining -= len(resp)
max_id = min(s['id'] for s in func(*args, **kwargs)) - 1
kwargs['max_id'] = max_id
limit = remaining <= 0
# We need to at least perform a query, so we simulate a do-while
# by running once with no limit and updating the condition at the end
with tqdm(total=remaining) as pbar:
while not limit:
if remaining > 0 and ((count < 0) or (count > remaining)):
kwargs['count'] = remaining
resp, stop = feed_control(func, kwargs, remaining=remaining, batch_size=count)
if not resp:
for entry in resp:
yield entry
limit = stop
if remaining < 0:
# If the loop was run with a negative remaining, it will only stop
# when the control function tells it to.
# Otherwise, check if we have already downloaded all the required items
remaining -= len(resp)
limit = limit or remaining <= 0
def consume_tweets(*args, **kwargs):
return _consume_feed(*args, feed_control=_tweets_control, **kwargs)
def consume_users(*args, **kwargs):
return _consume_feed(*args, feed_control=_users_control, **kwargs)
def _tweets_control(func, apiargs, remaining=0, **kwargs):
''' Return a list of entries, the remaining '''
resp = func(**apiargs)
if not resp:
return None, True
# Update the arguments for the next call
# Two options: either resp is a list, or a dict like:
# {'statuses': ... 'search_metadata': ...}
if isinstance(resp, dict) and 'search_metadata' in resp:
resp = resp['statuses']
max_id = min(s['id'] for s in resp) - 1
apiargs['max_id'] = max_id
return resp, False
def _users_control(func, apiargs, remaining=0, **kwargs):
resp = func(**apiargs)
stop = True
# Update the arguments for the next call
if 'next_cursor' in resp:
cursor = resp['next_cursor']
apiargs['cursor'] = cursor
if int(cursor) != -1:
stop = False
return resp['users'], stop

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@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ sqlalchemy

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@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ from bitter import config as c
class TestCrawlers(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.wq = easy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'credentials.json'))
CONF_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.bitter.yaml')
if os.path.exists(CONF_PATH):
self.wq = easy(CONF_PATH)
self.wq = easy()
def test_create_worker(self):
assert len(self.wq.queue)==1

View File

@ -8,56 +8,65 @@ from bitter import config as c
class TestUtils(TestCase):
configfile = '/tmp/bitter.yaml'
def setUp(self):
self.credfile = '/tmp/credentials.txt'
c.CREDENTIALS = self.credfile
if os.path.exists(self.credfile):
c.CONFIG_FILE = self.configfile
if os.path.exists(self.configfile):
assert not os.path.exists(self.configfile)
assert os.path.exists(self.configfile)
def test_create_credentials(self):
assert os.path.exists(self.credfile)
utils.create_credentials() # From config
assert os.path.exists(self.credfile)
def test_add_credentials(self):
utils.add_credentials(self.credfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(self.credfile)
assert utils.get_credentials(user="test")
assert list(utils.get_credentials(user="test"))[0]["user"] == "test"
utils.add_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(self.configfile)
assert utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert list(utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test"))[0]["user"] == "test"
def test_get_credentials(self):
utils.add_credentials(self.credfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(user="test")
assert not utils.get_credentials(user="test", inverse=True)
utils.add_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert not utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test", inverse=True)
def test_add_two_credentials(self):
utils.add_credentials(self.credfile, user="test")
utils.add_credentials(self.credfile, user="test2")
assert utils.get_credentials(user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(user="test2")
utils.add_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
utils.add_credentials(self.configfile, user="test2")
assert utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test2")
def test_delete_credentials(self):
utils.add_credentials(self.credfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(user="test")
assert not utils.get_credentials(user="test")
utils.add_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
utils.delete_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
assert not utils.get_credentials(self.configfile, user="test")
def test_parallel(self):
import time
def echo(i):
return i
tic = time.time()
resp = utils.parallel(echo, [1,2,3])
assert isinstance(resp, types.GeneratorType)
assert list(resp) == [1,2,3]
toc = time.time()
assert (tic-toc) < 6000
assert (tic-toc) < 600
resp2 = utils.parallel(echo, [1,2,3,4], chunksize=2)
assert list(resp2) == [1,2,3,4]
class TestUtilsEnv(TestUtils):
configfile = None
def setUp(self):
if 'BITTER_CONFIG' in os.environ:
self.oldenv = os.environ['BITTER_CONFIG']
os.environ['BITTER_CONFIG'] = ''
def tearDown(self):
if hasattr(self, 'oldenv'):
os.environ['BITTER_CONFIG'] = self.oldenv