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Sharing dotfiles
:date: 2015-04-10 17:47:00
:tags: github, git, dotfiles
Today's post is half a quick note, half public shaming. In other words, it is a reminder to be very careful with OAuth tokens and passwords.
As part of moving to emacs, I starting using the incredibly useful `gh.el <>`_.
When you first use it, the extension saves either your password or an OAuth token in your .gitconfig file.
This is cool and convenient, unless you `happen to be publishing your .gitconfig file in a public repo <>`_.
So, how can you still share your gitconfig without sharing your password/token with the rest of the world?
Since Git 1.7.0, you can `include other files in your gitconfig <>`_.
.. code-block:: config
path = ~/.gitconfig_secret
And now, in your .gitconfig_secret file, you just have to add this:
.. code-block:: config
user = balkian
token = "< Your secret token >"