title: CV

J. Fernando Sánchez


I am a curious young engineer who happens to enjoy IT both as a career and as a hobby.


Telecommunications Engineering Technical University of Madrid (UPM) - 2007-2012


Programming Languages

Used frequently: Python, Javascript/CoffeeScript, Bash/Shell, Java and Ruby

Also programmed in: PHP, C, C++, Objective C and Haskell

Frameworks and libraries

Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, QT, GTK2, JASON, RDFLib, Weka

Development tools

Git, Eclipse, Netbeans, Android SDK


Latex, XMPP, GIMP, Inkscape

Social Skills

Working with and leading international teams. Presentation and communication skills: I conducted several presentations to audiences of ~100 people.


Graduate Research FellowIntelligent Systems Group (GSI) (GSI) - 2008-2012

  • Worked with Agent and Semantic technologies
  • Conducted my master thesis: Design and Implementation of an Agent Architecture Based on Web Hooks

IT CoordinatorEESTEC International - 2012-2013

  • Coordinated the work of a small international IT Team
  • In charge of the administration of the IT infrastructure of EESTEC: Plone portal, Mailman mailing lists, etc.

Oversight Committee MemberEESTEC International - 2012-2013

  • Supervised the work of the International Board

Vice Chairman for External Affairs EESTEC International - 2012-2013

  • Established connections with other Student Associations
  • Helped found new Observers (Local Groups)
  • Carried out International Board duties
Available on request