Entries tagged: python

This is a quick note on proxying a local python application (e.g. flask) to a subdirectory in Apache. This assumes that the file wsgi.py contains a WSGI application with the name application. Hence, wsgi:application.


<Location /myapp/>
    ProxyPass http://127.0.0 ...

Developing a python module and publishing it on Github is cool, but most of the times you want others to download and use it easily. That is the role of PyPi, the python package repository. In this post I show you how to publish your package in less than 10 ...

As part of the OpeNER hackathon we decided to build a prototype that would allow us to compare how different countries feel about several topics. We used the OpeNER pipeline to get the sentiment from a set of newspaper articles we gathered from media in several languages. Then we aggregated ...