--- title: Linux author: "Unknown Author" description: Tips and tricks for GNU/Linux and Unix tags: - linux - arch --- # Black screen and LightDM doesn't unlock Add this to your /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file: ``` [LightDM] logind-check-graphical=true ``` # Edit previous commands `fc` is a shell builtin to list and edit previous commands in an editor. In addition to editing a single line (which you can also do with `C-x C-e`), it also allows you to edit and run several lines at the same time. You use it like this: List previous commands ``` $ fc -l 10259 nvim deploy.sh 10260* cd .. 10261* nvim content/cheatsheet/linux.md 10262 cd ``` List commands with date (in zsh) ``` $ fc -ld 10260* 19:38 cd .. 10261* 19:38 nvim content/cheatsheet/linux.md 10262 19:40 cd 10263 19:40 fc -l ``` You can add the date too: ``` $ fc -fld 10262 1/10/2019 19:40 cd 10263 1/10/2019 19:40 fc -l 10264 1/10/2019 19:40 fc -ld ``` You can edit a range of commands ``` $ fc 10262 10264 ``` The range can be relative to the current position, so the previous command is equivalent to: ``` $ fc -3 -1 ``` If you save and exit, all commands are executed as a script, and it will be added to your history. Source: https://shapeshed.com/unix-fc/