baseurl = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Balkian's site" theme = "balkian" preserveTaxonomyNames = true disqusShortname = "balkian" googleAnalytics = "" SectionPagesMenu = "main" Paginate = 5 pygmentsCodeFences = true pygmentsOptions = "linenos=table" summaryLength = 50 relativeURLs = true copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License." [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" post = "posts" [Author] name = "J. Fernando Sánchez" profile = "" [params] # Sets the meta tag description, usually reserved for the main page description = "Balkian's ramblings" # This will appear on the top left of the navigation bar navbarTitle = "Balkian" # Social media buttons that appear on the sidebar socialAppearAtTop = true socialAppearAtBottom = true # set this to the section name if section is not post viewMorePostLink = "/post/" subtitle = "Build a beautiful and simple website in minutes" logo = "img/me.png" favicon = "img/favicon.ico" dateFormat = "January 2, 2006" commit = false rss = true comments = true # Optional Params categoriesByCount = true includeReadingTime = true # The set of favicons used are based on the write-up from this link: # # Please see the favicon partial template for more information loadFavicon = false faviconVersion = "" # Load custom CSS or JavaScript files. This replaces the deprecated params # minifiedFilesCSS and minifiedFilesJS. The variable is an array so that you # can load multiple files if necessary. You can also load the standard theme # files by adding the value, "default". # customCSS = ["default", "/path/to/file"] # customJS = ["default", "/path/to/file"] # Loading min files for exampleSite customCSS = ["/css/main.min.css"] customJS = ["/js/main.min.js"] # parms.intro will appear on the sidebar # This is optional, but it's suggested to use [params.intro] header = "Balkian" paragraph = "J. Fernando Sánchez" about = "Fernando Sánchez's blog" # This will also appear on the sidebar. # A width of less than 100px is recommended # This is optional [params.intro.pic] src = "/img/logo.png" # modify your picture in the shape of a circle or # future imperfect's hexagonal shape circle = true imperfect = false width = "300px" alt = "Balkian" # Adjust the amount of recent posts on the sidebar. # This is optional. The default value 5 will be used [params.postAmount] sidebar = 4 # # Set up your menu items in the navigation bar # # You can use identifier to prepend a font awesome icon to your text # [[menu.main]] # name = "Blog" # url = "/post" # identifier = "fa fa-newspaper-o" # weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Blog" url = "/post/" identifier = "post" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Tags" url = "/tags/" identifier = "tags" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] name = "Cheatsheets" identifier = "cheatsheet" url = "/cheatsheet/" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] name = "Projects" identifier = "project" url = "/project/" # Insert your username and the icon will apear on the page as long as # socialAppearAtTop or socialAppearAtBottom is set to true in the params area # The social media icons will appear on the sidebar [social] github = "balkian" bitbucket = "balkian" jsfiddle = "" codepen = "" foursquare = "" dribbble = "" deviantart = "" behance = "" flickr = "" instagram = "" youtube = "" vimeo = "" vine = "" medium = "" wordpress = "" tumblr = "" xing = "" linkedin = "" slideshare = "" stackoverflow = "balkian" reddit = "balkian" pinterest = "" googleplus = "" facebook = "" facebook_admin = "" twitter_domain = "" twitter = "balkian" email = ""