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<!doctype html><html lang=en-us dir=ltr><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'><meta name=description content="Ongoing Projects Soil: an agent-based simulator for social networks based on nx-sim and networkx. Soilent: an efficient scheduler for soil using rust and pyo3. Senpy: a framework for semantic sentiment and emotion analysis services. Past Projects Onyx: an ontology for emotion analysis that includes concepts from W3C&rsquo;s provenance. ESP8266 Clock NTP: a simple clock display using arduino, the ESP8266 and NTP (network time protocol). Shine ESP: control an ws2812b LED strip over the network with an ESP8266. Bitter: a wrapper and CLI over the (now defunct) Twitter API to researchers to download Twitter data much faster using multiple accounts. Marl: I updated this ontology, originally created by Adam Westerski, to make it compatible with the W3C&rsquo;s provenance ontology. Hermes: one of my first projects, developed together with David Pérez as the special custom assignment in one of our courses. Hermes is an affective bot designed to mimic the behavour of humans. It included a plug-in system for its sensors and actuators. The information from its sensors changed its emotional state, which was shown via its actuators. Among others, it could fetch inforation from Twitter or its host system and change the expressions of an external Face made with servo motors or speak via its Text-To-Speech software. For instance, it could detect it was running out of battery, showing a sad face and sending an alerting tweet. You can see it in action in these two youtube videos: Part 1 and Part 2. Maia: the Modular Architecture for Intelligent Agents is an evented agent architecture that aims to update the classical frameworks for intelligent agents with the concepts emerged from the Live Web. EESTEC.net: the Plone based official portal of EESTEC. It has been my first and only experience with Plone. I fixed some bugs and implemented basic features. For more information, check my list of public repositories in Github.\n"><title>Projects</title>
<link rel=canonical href=https://balkian.com/projects/><link rel=stylesheet href=/scss/style.min.663803bebe609202d5b39d848f2d7c2dc8b598a2d879efa079fa88893d29c49c.css><meta property='og:title' content="Projects"><meta property='og:description' content="Ongoing Projects Soil: an agent-based simulator for social networks based on nx-sim and networkx. Soilent: an efficient scheduler for soil using rust and pyo3. Senpy: a framework for semantic sentiment and emotion analysis services. Past Projects Onyx: an ontology for emotion analysis that includes concepts from W3C&rsquo;s provenance. ESP8266 Clock NTP: a simple clock display using arduino, the ESP8266 and NTP (network time protocol). Shine ESP: control an ws2812b LED strip over the network with an ESP8266. Bitter: a wrapper and CLI over the (now defunct) Twitter API to researchers to download Twitter data much faster using multiple accounts. Marl: I updated this ontology, originally created by Adam Westerski, to make it compatible with the W3C&rsquo;s provenance ontology. Hermes: one of my first projects, developed together with David Pérez as the special custom assignment in one of our courses. Hermes is an affective bot designed to mimic the behavour of humans. It included a plug-in system for its sensors and actuators. The information from its sensors changed its emotional state, which was shown via its actuators. Among others, it could fetch inforation from Twitter or its host system and change the expressions of an external Face made with servo motors or speak via its Text-To-Speech software. For instance, it could detect it was running out of battery, showing a sad face and sending an alerting tweet. You can see it in action in these two youtube videos: Part 1 and Part 2. Maia: the Modular Architecture for Intelligent Agents is an evented agent architecture that aims to update the classical frameworks for intelligent agents with the concepts emerged from the Live Web. EESTEC.net: the Plone based official portal of EESTEC. It has been my first and only experience with Plone. I fixed some bugs and implemented basic features. For more information, check my list of public repositories in Github.\n"><meta property='og:url' content='https://balkian.com/projects/'><meta property='og:site_name' content='J. Fernando Sánchez'><meta property='og:type' content='article'><meta property='article:section' content='Page'><meta name=twitter:title content="Projects"><meta name=twitter:description content="Ongoing Projects Soil: an agent-based simulator for social networks based on nx-sim and networkx. Soilent: an efficient scheduler for soil using rust and pyo3. Senpy: a framework for semantic sentiment and emotion analysis services. Past Projects Onyx: an ontology for emotion analysis that includes concepts from W3C&rsquo;s provenance. ESP8266 Clock NTP: a simple clock display using arduino, the ESP8266 and NTP (network time protocol). Shine ESP: control an ws2812b LED strip over the network with an ESP8266. Bitter: a wrapper and CLI over the (now defunct) Twitter API to researchers to download Twitter data much faster using multiple accounts. Marl: I updated this ontology, originally created by Adam Westerski, to make it compatible with the W3C&rsquo;s provenance ontology. Hermes: one of my first projects, developed together with David Pérez as the special custom assignment in one of our courses. Hermes is an affective bot designed to mimic the behavour of humans. It included a plug-in system for its sensors and actuators. The information from its sensors changed its emotional state, which was shown via its actuators. Among others, it could fetch inforation from Twitter or its host system and change the expressions of an external Face made with servo motors or speak via its Text-To-Speech software. For instance, it could detect it was running out of battery, showing a sad face and sending an alerting tweet. You can see it in action in these two youtube videos: Part 1 and Part 2. Maia: the Modular Architecture for Intelligent Agents is an evented agent architecture that aims to
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<time class=article-time--reading>2 minute read</time></div></footer></div></header><section class=article-content><h1 id=ongoing-projects>Ongoing Projects</h1><ul><li><a class=link href=https://soilsim.readthedocs.io target=_blank rel=noopener>Soil</a>: an agent-based simulator for social networks based on nx-sim and networkx.</li><li><a class=link href=https://github.com/balkian/soilent target=_blank rel=noopener>Soilent</a>: an efficient scheduler for soil using rust and pyo3.</li><li><a class=link href=https://senpy.readthedocs.io target=_blank rel=noopener>Senpy</a>: a framework for semantic sentiment and emotion analysis services.</li></ul><h1 id=past-projects>Past Projects</h1><ul><li><a class=link href=http://gsi.dit.upm.es/ontologies/onyx target=_blank rel=noopener>Onyx</a>: an ontology for emotion analysis that includes concepts from W3C&rsquo;s provenance.</li><li><a class=link href=https://github.com/balkian/ESP8266_Clock_NTP target=_blank rel=noopener>ESP8266 Clock NTP</a>: a simple clock display using arduino, the ESP8266 and NTP (network time protocol).</li><li><a class=link href=https://github.com/balkian/shinesp target=_blank rel=noopener>Shine ESP</a>: control an ws2812b LED strip over the network with an ESP8266.</li><li><a class=link href=https://github.com/balkian/bitter target=_blank rel=noopener>Bitter</a>: a wrapper and CLI over the (now defunct) Twitter API to researchers to download Twitter data much faster using multiple accounts.</li><li><a class=link href=http://gsi.dit.upm.es/ontologies/marl target=_blank rel=noopener>Marl</a>: I updated this ontology, originally created by Adam Westerski, to make it compatible with the W3C&rsquo;s provenance ontology.</li><li><a class=link href=http://github.com/balkian/hermes target=_blank rel=noopener>Hermes</a>: one of my first projects, developed together with David Pérez as the special custom assignment in one of our courses. Hermes is an affective bot designed to mimic the behavour of humans. It included a plug-in system for its sensors and actuators. The information from its sensors changed its emotional state, which was shown via its actuators. Among others, it could fetch inforation from Twitter or its host system and change the expressions of an external Face made with servo motors or speak via its Text-To-Speech software. For instance, it could detect it was running out of battery, showing a sad face and sending an alerting tweet. You can see it in action in these two youtube videos: <a class=link href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnEYahPD9z4" target=_blank rel=noopener>Part 1</a> and <a class=link href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQZldCTPEJc" target=_blank rel=noopener>Part 2</a>.</li><li><a class=link href=http://github.com/gsi-upm/maia target=_blank rel=noopener>Maia</a>: the Modular Architecture for Intelligent Agents is an evented agent architecture that aims to update the classical frameworks for intelligent agents with the concepts emerged from the Live Web.</li><li><a class=link href=http://github.com/eestec/eestec.portal target=_blank rel=noopener>EESTEC.net</a>: the Plone based official portal of EESTEC. It has been my first and only experience with Plone. I fixed some bugs and implemented basic features.</li></ul><p>For more information, check my list of public repositories in <a href=http://github.com/balkian><i class="fab fa-github">Github</i></a>.</p></section><footer class=article-footer><section class=article-copyright><svg class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-copyright" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentcolor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="9"/><path d="M14.5 9a3.5 4 0 100 6"/></svg>
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