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<!doctype html><html lang=en-us dir=ltr><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'><meta name=description content="I&rsquo;ve finally decided to set up a decent personal page. I have settled for github-pages because I like the idea of keeping my site in a repository and having someone else host and deploy it for me. The site will be really simple, mostly static files. Thanks to Github, Jekyll will automatically generate static pages for my posts every time I commit anything new to this repository.\nBut Jekyll can be used independently, so if I ever choose to host the site myself, I can do it quite easily. Another thing that I liked about this approach is that the generated html files can be used in the future, and I will not need Jekyll to serve it. Jekyll is really simple and most of the things are written in plain html. That means that everything could be easily reused if I ever choose to change to another blogging framework (e.g. pelical). But, for the time being, I like the fact that Github takes care of the compilation as well, so I can simply modify or add files through the web interface should I need to.\n"><title>Creating my web</title>
<link rel=canonical href=https://balkian.com/p/creating-my-web/><link rel=stylesheet href=/scss/style.min.663803bebe609202d5b39d848f2d7c2dc8b598a2d879efa079fa88893d29c49c.css><meta property='og:title' content="Creating my web"><meta property='og:description' content="I&rsquo;ve finally decided to set up a decent personal page. I have settled for github-pages because I like the idea of keeping my site in a repository and having someone else host and deploy it for me. The site will be really simple, mostly static files. Thanks to Github, Jekyll will automatically generate static pages for my posts every time I commit anything new to this repository.\nBut Jekyll can be used independently, so if I ever choose to host the site myself, I can do it quite easily. Another thing that I liked about this approach is that the generated html files can be used in the future, and I will not need Jekyll to serve it. Jekyll is really simple and most of the things are written in plain html. That means that everything could be easily reused if I ever choose to change to another blogging framework (e.g. pelical). But, for the time being, I like the fact that Github takes care of the compilation as well, so I can simply modify or add files through the web interface should I need to.\n"><meta property='og:url' content='https://balkian.com/p/creating-my-web/'><meta property='og:site_name' content='J. Fernando Sánchez'><meta property='og:type' content='article'><meta property='article:section' content='Post'><meta property='article:tag' content='starters'><meta property='article:tag' content='javascript'><meta property='article:tag' content='ruby'><meta property='article:tag' content='github'><meta property='article:tag' content='git'><meta property='article:published_time' content='2013-08-22T14:14:22+00:00'><meta property='article:modified_time' content='2013-08-22T14:14:22+00:00'><meta name=twitter:title content="Creating my web"><meta name=twitter:description content="I&rsquo;ve finally decided to set up a decent personal page. I have settled for github-pages because I like the idea of keeping my site in a repository and having someone else host and deploy it for me. The site will be really simple, mostly static files. Thanks to Github, Jekyll will automatically generate static pages for my posts every time I commit anything new to this repository.\nBut Jekyll can be used independently, so if I ever choose to host the site myself, I can do it quite easily. Another thing that I liked about this approach is that the generated html files can be used in the future, and I will not need Jekyll to serve it. Jekyll is really simple and most of the things are written in plain html. That means that everything could be easily reused if I ever choose to change to another blogging framework (e.g. pelical). But, for the time being, I like the fact that Github takes care of the compilation as well, so I can simply modify or add files through the web interface should I need to.\n"><link rel="shortcut icon" href=/img/favicon.ico></head><body class=article-page><script>(function(){const e="StackColorScheme";localStorage.getItem(e)||localStorage.setItem(e,"auto")})()</script><script>(function(){const t="StackColorScheme",e=localStorage.getItem(t),n=window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches===!0;e=="dark"||e==="auto"&&n?document.documentElement.dataset.scheme="dark":document.documentElement.dataset.scheme="light"})()</script><div class="container main-container flex on-phone--column extended"><aside class="sidebar left-sidebar sticky"><button class="hamburger hamburger--spin" type=button id=toggle-menu aria-label="Toggle Menu">
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<time class=article-time--published>22 Aug 2013</time></div><div><svg class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-clock" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentcolor" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="9"/><polyline points="12 7 12 12 15 15"/></svg>
<time class=article-time--reading>2 minute read</time></div></footer></div></header><section class=article-content><p>I&rsquo;ve finally decided to set up a decent personal page. I have settled
for github-pages because I like the idea of keeping my site in a
repository and having someone else host and deploy it for me. The site
will be really simple, mostly static files. Thanks to Github,
<a class=link href=http://jekyllrb.com target=_blank rel=noopener>Jekyll</a> will automatically generate static pages
for my posts every time I commit anything new to this repository.</p><p>But Jekyll can be used independently, so if I ever choose to host the
site myself, I can do it quite easily. Another thing that I liked about
this approach is that the generated html files can be used in the
future, and I will not need Jekyll to serve it. Jekyll is really simple
and most of the things are written in plain html. That means that
everything could be easily reused if I ever choose to change to another
blogging framework (e.g. pelical). But, for the time being, I like the
fact that Github takes care of the compilation as well, so I can simply
modify or add files through the web interface should I need to.</p><p>I hadn&rsquo;t played with HTML and CSS for a while now, so I also wanted to
use this site as a playground. At some point, I realised I was doing
mostly everything in plain HTML and CSS, and decided to keep it like
that for as long as possible. As of this writing, I haven&rsquo;t included
any Javascript code in the page. Probably I will use some to add my
<a class=link href=http://gist.github.com/balkian target=_blank rel=noopener>gists</a> and
<a class=link href=http://github.com/balkian target=_blank rel=noopener>repositories</a>, but we will see about that.</p><p>I think the code speaks for itself, so you can check out <a class=link href=http://github.com/balkian/balkian.github.com target=_blank rel=noopener>my repository
on Github</a>. You can clone
and deploy it easily like this:</p><div class=highlight><div class=chroma><table class=lntable><tr><td class=lntd><pre tabindex=0 class=chroma><code><span class=lnt>1
</span><span class=lnt>2
</span><span class=lnt>3
</span></code></pre></td><td class=lntd><pre tabindex=0 class=chroma><code class=language-bash data-lang=bash><span class=line><span class=cl>git clone
</span></span><span class=line><span class=cl>https://github.com/balkian/balkian.github.com <span class=nb>cd</span> balkian.github.com
</span></span><span class=line><span class=cl>jekyll serve -w
</span></span></code></pre></td></tr></table></div></div><p>I will keep updating this post with information about:</p><ul><li>Some Jekyll plugins that might be useful</li><li>What CSS tricks I learnt</li><li>The webfonts I used</li><li>The badge on the left side of the page</li></ul></section><footer class=article-footer><section class=article-tags><a href=/tags/starters/>Starters</a>
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