## MoodleBulkGrader This tool makes it easier to grade Moodle submissions that contain multiple individual image/pdf files. It will merge the individual files into a single PDF per student. That PDF can then be annotated with general comments or with `grading` comments, which tell how many marks the student got in each section of the assignment. Grading comments start with a specific first line (`GRADE` or `NOTA` by default), and they are followed by a new line per section. For instance, consider this annotation: ``` GRADE 1.1 0.5 1.2 1.0 2 8.5 ``` The student will get 10 marks (0.5+1.0+8.5) The results are stored per section (1.1, 1.2 and 2), so you can keep track of your progress. The bulk grading feature will show how many submissions have a grade for each specific section, You may add more than one `grading` annotation per document. If the same section is graded more than once, `bulkgrader` will raise an exception. You may specify the sections in advance. When a student has grades for all the sections specified, that student counts as fully graded. Other text annotations can later be extracted as comments for the submission, but they are not used in this version. ## Instructions - Download all submissions to an assignment as a zip file - Extract all submissions - Run `python bulkgrader.py --copy` to copy all files - Run `python bulkgrader.py --merge` to merge all files. You might need to manually add file extensions (`.jpg` or `.pdf`) - Run `python bulkgrader.py` to start autograding with your program of choice For every PDF, you'll want to add